Saturday, May 2, 2009


Please participate in KD research:Letter to KD parents
Dear Parent,
Thank you for your interest in our study to learn more about why some children get Kawasaki disease (KD) while others do not. To participate in this study, we need to receive samples from which we can extract DNA (genetic information contained within cells in the body) from both biologic parents and from the affected child. For the parents, DNA can be extracted from a Scope mouthwash sample that we will send to you in a collection kit. For children over 6 yrs., we can also use the mouthwash. For younger children, we will need a small blood sample (less than one teaspoon) that will need to be drawn by a local laboratory in your community.If you are interested in participating, we will send complete instructions and consent forms that must be signed and returned to us.
Please write back by e-mail ( if you are interested in participating and give us your mailing address and age of your child. We also need to know the following:
a) Status of your child's coronary arteries by echocardiogram (e.g. normal, aneurysms, dilated)
b) Number of IVIG treatments your child received (most children just receive one)
c) Your ethnic group/race
We understand the time and energy that it takes to be a research subject and we deeply appreciate your willingness to help us answer important questions about KD. We could not do this work without the support of families such as yours. Please let me know if you have any questions. Be sure to visit our website to find out more about KD and about research studies at UCSD/Rady Children’s Hospital conducted by the KD Research Program.
UCSD Kawasaki Website:
Kawasaki Foundation website:

Best regards,

Jane C. Burns M.D.
Director, ....Kawasaki.... Disease Research Program
Rady Children’s Hospital
Dept. of Pediatrics, ....UCSD.. ..School.... of Medicine

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