Saturday, May 2, 2009

Was KD the cause of death for Jett Travolta?

Dr. Tom Smith answers your questions
We were distressed to learn of the death of John Travolta's son from a seizure, because our son also had Kawasaki disease when he was a toddler. Was there a link between Kawasaki and subsequent epilepsy? Our son got the all-clear after a year, and is now a healthy 10-year-old.Please don't worry about your son. Kawasaki is an acute reaction in the circulation and heart, probably to an unknown virus. While it's true that some sufferers go on to develop heart problems, if your son had no after-effects all those years ago, then he has recovered completely. Jett Travolta's case was very unusual, if not unique, and the epilepsy he suffered may not be linked to his Kawasaki. We may not have heard the whole story, either, and press reports about the cause of his death are speculation that is not relevant to any other child

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