Brooke's Kawasaki Disease Story!
This is Brooke's Kawasaki disease story, she is a 20 year old beautiful, strong woman, who is doing all she can to help raise KD awareness. Please see "Brooke's Kawasaki Disease Album" under my pictures.Thank you Brooke for taking the time to share this part of your life with us, and thank you for helping us help raise KD awareness!VanessaPLEASE READ ON FOR BROOKE'S FULL STORY:BEGINNING:I was 2 years old, at my babysitters house. My mom picked me up after she got off work and I had flu/virus like symptoms. We got to our house and my mom realized I was extremely hot. She took me to the hospital (Druid City Hospital Tuscaloosa, AL) and they started treating me for Rocky Mountain Tick Fever. After five days, they diagnosed me with Kawasaki Syndrome (at the time thats what it was called). I received the 12 hours treatment. I remember getting a lot of shots in my feet, my mom said it was every 30 minutes. They told my mom before I went home that I may have arthritis at a young age and possible heart issues.SYMPTOMS:fever got up to 106.9body was swollenbig layers of skin would peel offeyes were red and puffyUPDATE:I was diagnosed with arthritis in every joint in my body, at the age of 14. I am taken heart medication to keep it regulated. I witnesses my rate skipping from 222 to 58, thats the most drastic jump.I am supposed to be going through with more testing for muscular diseases, but I'm letting God take control and just praying for all the families with members who have KD and the kids with KD now.Thanks for the site and being interested into other stories.
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