Backstreet Brian Littrell’s Boy Has Kawasaki Disease December 2008
Backstreet Brian Littrell's Boy Has Coronary Disease
Mon., Dec. 22, 2008 11:17 AM PST by Breanne L. Heldman
Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images
Backstreet Boys' Brian Littrell has been dealing with a larger than life situation recently.
The boy bander and his wife Leighanne's 6-year-old son, Baylee, spent the past week at the Scottish Rite children's hospital in Atlanta. He was released Saturday after being diagnosed with atypical Kawasaki disease, according to the singer's website. Baylee entered the care center with a variety of symptoms, including strep throat, erythema multiforme and hand, foot and mouth disease.
"After receiving a biopsy, blood tests, an EKG and two echocardiograms, Baylee was finally diagnosed with A-Typical [sic] Kawasaki Disease," Littrell writes. "We would like to stress A-Typical because Baylee did not have textbook symptoms of any of the viruses they thought he had.
"Kawasaki Disease causes inflammation in the coronary arteries as well as the walls of the small and medium sized arteries throughout the body," Littrell explains. "Unfortunately, Baylee's coronary arteries were affected. He received an IVIG, which is a treatment to bring down the inflammation in his coronary arteries."
A pediatric cardiologist will be keeping a close eye on the singer's son for the next six to eight weeks to ensure the treatment was effective.
According to Wikipedia's entry on Kawasaki disease, "with early treatment, rapid recovery from acute symptoms can be expected and the risk of coronary artery aneurysms greatly reduced."
"We want to thank everyone who prayed for us as well as all of the emails and phone calls," the Littrells write. "We are humbled by the love and compassion that people have for our son all over the world, thank you!"
(Originally published Dec. 22, 2008 at 9:52 a.m
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